Interview with a Meraki Yogi | Alexa Gianonni

“The practice of yoga allows me to slow down and focus on what is meaningful in life, as opposed to what is temporarily causing me stress in that moment.”


When and why did you start practicing yoga?

I lost my Mom when I was 16, which led me to quickly begin exploring options to de-stress and find peace. I received permission from my high school to opt out of their traditional physical education class and take yoga at a local community college. Instead of taking one semester of yoga, I ended up staying to take the class for another semester. I discovered quickly how beneficial it was to have yoga incorporated into my weekly routine.

Who has been a great mentor/teacher or inspiration to you and your practice?

Upon moving to Colorado, I quickly fell in love with Adrienne Hoxmeier’s classes. Adrienne’s spirit, calming demeanor, and knack for developing creative and challenging sequences had me waking up pretty early in the morning before grad school to ensure I was able to fit her classes into my day. I cannot say enough lovely things about how inspiring Adrienne is as a teacher and how much more at ease I am after taking one of her classes.

How many classes do you take per week?


How does yoga help your daily life?

Any stress I experience loves to settle directly into my muscles, creating the most wonderful knots and tension that only yoga is able to relieve. In addition to the physical benefits, the practice of yoga allows me to slow down and focus on what is meaningful in life, as opposed to what is temporarily causing me stress in that moment.


If any, what obstacles has the practice of yoga help you overcome?

Can I say life? Yoga has been my fallback through any form of stress I experience and is always there to remind me that I can find grounding on my mat.


Do you have any advice for your fellow yogi’s new to the practice?

Never be intimidated to walk into a new studio or to take a new class, everyone who is there is there for their own practice. Also, don’t push yourself to the point where you are compromising your form in class. Nobody is watching what you are doing in your own personal practice, they are all focused on their own experiences.


Do you have a favorite mantra or quote?

Please grant me coffee to change the things I can, and yoga to accept the things I can’t.


Why is Meraki the studio for you?

I have been practicing yoga for 14 years now and with that, I wholeheartedly recognize that Meraki is unique in the experience it cultivates for its students. From the interior design to the studio rooms and teachers, Adrienne and Rachael have created a dream environment to practice yoga in.